Overview: Microprocessor-based integrated burner control for industrial semi-automatically fired gas, oil, coal or combination fuel single burner applications. Provides level of safety, functional capability and features beyond conventional controls.
- Functions include purge, burner pilot startup, flame supervision, system status indication, system or self diagnosis and troubleshooting.
- Delays admission of fuel to combustion chamber until pilot flame has been proven and then monitors the flame through the run period while providing system status indication.
- Includes Keyboard Display Module.
- Five LEDs provide sequence information.
- Intermittent pilot valve.
- Interchangeable plug-in flame amplifier.
- Access for external electrical voltage checks.
- Nonvolatile memory retains history files and lockout status after loss of power.
- Selectable pilot flame establishing period.
- Provides application flexibility and optional communication interface capability.
- Compatible with existing Honeywell flame detectors.
- Flame Establishing Period - Pilot: 4 sec or 10 sec
- Flame Establishing Period - Main: 10 sec or 15 sec
- Interlocks: Lockout
- Pilot Type: interrupted
- Second Stage Pilot Valve: Interrupted
- Vibration: 0.5 G environment