Sometimes during transit our boxes get damaged but no harm has been caused to the actual device and these are returned to us. At other times, customers may order by mistake and return the item without having fully unpacked it. These units are considered "Open Box". But do not worry, your device has been tested. It has all the original accessories and manuals (there maybe a few cases in which the original manual or information sheet inside the box could have been missing on the returned item and, in those cases, a photocopy or other non-original printed matter with the same information may have been inserted to make up for it). So now these items are safe and ready to use, and the plus side is that you are getting a product similar to a new one at a much lower price. BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT: - in case you do buy an Open Box unit and wish to return it or have it replaced because you are unhappy with the product, we have THE SAME 30 day money back guarantee and THE SAME 1 year replacement warranty on all our products (open box and new alike).
You can buy our new units on the link below
NEW - ST9120U1011 Honeywell Universal Electronic Fan Timer
- Replaces 40+ existing Honeywell electronic fan timers
- Instruction sheet supplies full cross reference and wiring guide
- Interface harnesses for simple conversion
- Integrates control of all combustion blower and circulating fan operations in gas warm-air appliance
- Replaceable fuse
- DIP switch selectable heat and cool delay on and off times
- LED lights for easy diagnostics
- Electronic air cleaner and humidifier terminal connections
- Continuous low speed indoor air circulation